Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mini-Recap of 01 Feb to 01 Mar'09

Sorry about not updating for the last 40days (or more?). Was just too busy, haha.

I am trying to change my style of blogging, by having more pictures and less heavy on words. I believe this way it will help me cut down on blogging time, and make my posts look less like essay compositions. =_=

Here's a few photos from three camp-related events that took place somewhere between Feb to early March. Courtesy of my good Staff Toh for the photos, again.

Dragonboat near Singapore River:

^A few of us from the Logistic side; the rest are no shows

I mentioned this one on my previous post... I think. Basically our 23SA decided to have an outing that involves paddling down the river. I wasn't actually in the mood to row a boat so I just went over and showed my presence. And eat free lunch. The whole event lasted one Friday morning.

Lunch at Northpoint's Swensens:

^Camera trick #82: leaning to the right

^Speak, hear and see no evil (by the Malay "monkeys") =P

^Go! 23SA Logistic team!!

Our good S4 wished to reward the hard work of our logistic group after the grueling audit period, and what's better (and easier) than to treat the whole team a set meal of your choice over at the nearby Swensens? It came with a half-day "deal" too, so everyone was definitely cheery on that certain Friday.

Lunch Gathering at Chevrons:

^the very infamous Eugene (shown with gun pose) xP

^23SA signal store!

This gathering primary purpose was to serve as a final coercion for the last mono-intake men who were to ORD in March. This one in particular had our unit's CO as the main organizer for the event. An entire karaoke lounge was booked for our use, and we were allowed to sing and/or have free flow to drinks. The (abovementioned) Eugene decided to make a greater fool of himself in front of the CO. Hilarity ensued.

That's all for now. More photos for other events will be up - when my photographer have time to send them over, of course. ^_^