Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy 29th Birthday, Nana-sama~!

It is the 21st of January, and it's that time of the year..... my favorite seiyuu/idol Mizuki Nana's birthday! Woo~hoo

In all honesty I almost missed it. With a stroke of luck, or some sort, I decided to check up on Nana's blog and fansites after ignoring them for a whole month long, and bam! Instant enlightenment. =D

So I thought I would commemorate this special day by ordering her latest single "Shin Ai" over the net. Unfortunately every decent site I know (barring YesAsia) have crazy shipping fees which goes up to like, 2000 yen. Darn! That's almost equivalent to S$30+, just for the cost shipment! And my cd only costs around 1200yen.

The thought of pricey fees shafted my intitial plans. I will just make the order tomorrow though, along with her Live Fighter dvd. Might as well buy something else too, to make up for the already outrageous shipping cost. =P

Oh, and onto my "real life". SA Comms course is actually fun, and SUPER relaxing/slack. Ah, how I wish the rest of my NS life would be this easygoing. I think I am getting too comfortable with my current stay-out entitlement.

And I just completed Persona 4!! AWESOME~!


Monday, January 12, 2009

First Entry for '09

Too mentally-exhausted to type a proper post, so let me sum up the stuff that happened around me recently, in simple point form:

  • Logistic Audit, Stock-taking and Safety check all together for the whole last week
  • Managed to pull off an overall "A" grade for our Signal Store (thank God)
  • Went for a lame cohesion trip with the entire battalion for bowling on Friday
  • PS2 power adapter blew, and had to buy a new one for S$50 (daylight robbery!!)
  • Will be attending Signal Comms course for the next two weeks (until 29 Jan)
Not mentioned is the all-out (yet resolved) drama within our QM platoon. China-born "ZW" went overboard with his whiny & crybaby ethics, by actually filing a complaint to MINDEF about fellow storemen and superiors treating him unfairly. As well as backstabbing poor Sergeant.

Good job, ZW. As if the previous CMPB complaint case wasn't enough, now MINDEF is going to keep a close eye on our future actions. =P